J. Wang, P. He, H. Hu. A numerical study on wind-driven runback characteristics of a thin water film flow over a solid surface. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2025.
S. Choi, O. Abdelkhalik, P. He. Multidisciplinary Optimization of End-to-End Mars Aerobraking Trajectory and Spacecraft Design. Advances in Space Research, 2025.
B. Pacini, M. Prajapati, K. Duraisamy, J.R.R.A. Martins, P. He. Investigating the Benefit of Aerodynamic Shape Optimization for a Wing with Distributed Propulsion. Meccanica, 2025.
P. He, C. Psenica, L. Fang, M. Leader. Aerothermal Shape Optimization of Actively-Cooled Battery Packs Using Conjugate Heat Transfer. AIAA SciTech Forum, 2025. [doi][preprint]
C. Psenica, L. Fang, S. Zoppelt, P. He. Conjugate Heat Transfer Shape Optimization of a U-bend Pipe With a Discrete Adjoint Method. AIAA SciTech Forum, 2025. [doi][preprint]
Z. Li, L. Fang, A. Sharma, P. He. Field Inversion Machine Learning for Accurate Predictions of Time-Resolved Unsteady Flows Over Airfoils. AIAA SciTech Forum, 2025. [doi][preprint]
L. Fang, P. He. Implicit Runge-Kutta Schemes for Segregated Solutions of Unsteady Flow and Adjoint Equations. AIAA SciTech Forum, 2025. [doi][preprint]
L. Fang, P. He. Field inversion machine learning augmented turbulence modeling for time-accurate unsteady flow. Physics of Fluids, 2024. [doi][preprint]
L. Fang, P. He. A Duality-Preserving Adjoint Method for Segregated Navier-Stokes Solvers. Journal of Computational Physics, 2024. [doi][preprint]
G. W. Harris, P. He, O. O. Abdelkhalik. Control Co-Design Optimization of Spacecraft Trajectory and System for Interplanetary Missions. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2024. [doi][preprint]
J. Wang, P. He, H. Hu. Predicting Interfacial Shear Stress Distributions of Wind-Driven Water Runback Flows Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks. AIAA Aviation Forum, 2024.[doi]
L. Fang, P. He. A Segregated Time-Accurate Adjoint Method for Field Inversion of Unsteady Flow. AIAA SciTech forum, 2024. [doi][preprint]
G. Harris, P. He. Low-Thrust Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization with Gravity-Assist Maneuver using Dymos. AIAA SciTech forum, 2024. [doi][preprint]
S. Zoppelt, H. Koyuncuoglu. P. He. High-fidelity Aerostructural Optimization Benchmark for Aircraft Propellers in Hover. AIAA SciTech forum, 2024. [doi][preprint]
A. Negrete, G. Harris, O. Abdelkhalik, P. He. A Suboptimal Three Body Shape Based Approach to Trajectory Design. AIAA SciTech forum, 2024. [doi]
O. Bidar, P. He, S. Anderson, N. Qin. Aerodynamic Shape Optimisation Using a Machine Learning-Augmented Turbulence Model. AIAA SciTech forum, 2024. [doi]
J. Wang, H. Hu, P. He, H. Hu. A Machine Learning Study to Predict Wind-Driven Water Runback Characteristics. Physics of Fluids, 2023. [doi][preprint]
Z. Li, P. He. Accelerating Unsteady Aerodynamic Simulations Using Predictive Reduced-order Modeling. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023. [doi][preprint]
B. Pacini, M. Prajapati, K. Duraisamy, J.R.R.A. Martins, P. He. Towards Mixed-Fidelity Aero-Structural-Acoustic Optimization for Urban Air Mobility Vehicle Design. In: AIAA Aviation Forum, 2023. [doi][preprint]
J.C. Wang, H.Y. Hu, P. He, H. Hu. A Data-Driven Approach to Study Nonlinear Dynamics of Wind-Driven Water Runback Flows Pertinent to Aircraft Icing Phenomena. In: AIAA Aviation Forum, 2023. [doi]
J.C. Wang, H. Sista, H.Y. Hu, P. He, H. Hu. A Novel Deep Learning Based Approach for Particle Image Velocimetry with Global Motion Aggregation. In: AIAA Aviation Forum, 2023. [doi]
H. U. Koyuncuoglu, P. He. CFD Based Multi-Component Aerodynamic Optimization for Wing Propeller Coupling. In: AIAA Scitech Forum, 2023. [doi][preprint]
P. He, H.U. Koyuncuoglu, H. Hu, A. Dhulipalla, H.Y. Hu, H. Hu. High-fidelity Aerodynamic and Aerostructural Optimization of UAV Propellers Using the Adjoint Method. In: AIAA Scitech Forum, 2023. [doi][preprint]
B Pacini M. Prajapati, K. Duraisamy, J.R.R.A. Martins, P. He. Multipoint Aerostructural Optimization for Urban Air Mobility Vehicle Design. In: AIAA Scitech Forum, 2023. [doi]
B Pacini M. Prajapati, K. Duraisamy, J.R.R.A. Martins, P. He. Understanding Distributed Propulsion on the NASA Tiltwing Concept Vehicle with Aerodynamic Shape Optimization. In: AIAA Scitech Forum, 2023. [doi]
H. U. Koyuncuoglu, P. He. Simultaneous wing shape and actuator parameter optimization using the adjoint method. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022. [doi][preprint]
Y.L. Lamer, J. Morlier, E. Benard, P. He. Aeroelastic analysis of high aspect ratio and strut-braced wings. In: 33th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences. 2022. [preprint]
G.W. Harris, P. He, O.O Abdelkhalik. A Coupled Spacecraft System and Trajectory Optimization Framework using GMAT and OpenMDAO. In: AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 2022. [preprint]
L. Fang, P. He. A Consistent Fixed-point Discrete Adjoint Method for Segregated Navier-Stokes Solvers. In: AIAA Aviation Forum, 2022. [doi][preprint]
J.C. Wang, H.Y. Hu, P. He, H. Hu. A Machine Learning Prediction of the Wind-Driven Water Runback Characteristics Pertinent to Aircraft Icing Phenomena. In: AIAA Aviation Forum, 2022. [doi][preprint]
O. Bidar, P. He, S. Anderson, N, Qin. An Open-source Adjoint-based Field Inversion Tool for Data-driven RANS Modelling. In: AIAA Aviation Forum, 2022. [doi][preprint]
O. Bidar, P. He, S. Anderson, N, Qin. Turbulent Mean Flow Reconstruction Based on Sparse Multi-sensor Data and Adjoint-based Field Inversion. In: AIAA Aviation Forum, 2022. [doi][preprint]
H. U. Koyuncuoglu, P. He. Coupled Wing-Propeller Aerodynamic Optimization Using the Adjoint Method. In: AIAA Scitech Forum, 2022. [doi][preprint]
Z. Li, P. He. Airfoil Unsteady Aerodynamic Analysis Using a Galerkin Reduced-order Modeling Approach. In: AIAA Scitech Forum, 2022. [doi][preprint]
J. R. Nagawkar, L. T. Leifsson, P. He. Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Using Gradient-Enhanced Multifidelity Neural Networks. In: AIAA Scitech Forum, 2022. [doi]
X. Du, P. He, J. R. R. A. Martins. Rapid airfoil design optimization via neural network-based parameterization and surrogate modeling. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021. [doi][preprint]
N. Secco, G. K. W. Kenway, P. He, C. A. Mader, J. R. R. A. Martins. Efficient mesh generation and deformation for aerodynamic shape optimization. AIAA Journal, 2021. [doi][preprint]
Kiet T. Tran, Ping He. Unsteady aerodynamic optimization of airfoils considering shape and propeller parameters. In: AIAA Aviation Forum, 2021. [doi][preprint]
P. He, J. R. R. A. Martins. A hybrid time-spectral approach for aerodynamic optimization with unsteady flow. In: AIAA Scitech Forum, 2021. [doi][preprint]
P. He, R. Halder, K. Fidkowski, K. J. Maki, J. R. R. A. Martins. An efficient nonlinear reduced-order modeling approach for rapid aerodynamic analysis with OpenFOAM. In: AIAA Scitech Forum, 2021. [doi][preprint]
P. He, C. A. Mader, J. R. R. A. Martins, K. J. Maki. DAFoam: An open source discrete adjoint framework for multidisciplinary design optimization with OpenFOAM. AIAA Journal, 58(3), 2020. [doi][preprint]
P. He, A.J. Luder, C. A. Mader, J. R. R. A. Martins, K. J. Maki. A time-spectral adjoint approach for aerodynamic shape optimization under periodic wakes. In: AIAA Scitech Forum, AIAA-2020-2114, 2020. [doi][preprint][slides]
X. Du, P. He, J. R. R. A. Martins. A B-spline-based generative adversarial network model for fast interactive airfoil aerodynamic optimization. In: AIAA Scitech Forum, AIAA-2020-2128, 2020. [doi][preprint]
S. Basu, P. He, A. W. DeMarco. Parametrizing the Energy Dissipation Rate in Stably Stratified Flows. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2020. [doi]
S. Basu, J. Osborn, P. He, A. W. DeMacro. Mesoscale modelling of optical turbulence in the atmosphere: the need for ultrahigh vertical grid resolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497, 2302-2308. [doi]
S. Basu, A. W. DeMacro, P. He. On the dissipation rate of temperature fluctuations in stably stratified flows, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2020. [doi]
G. K. W. Kenway, C. A. Mader, P. He, J. R. R. A. Martins. Effective adjoint approaches for computational fluid dynamics. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 110, 2019. [doi][preprint]
P. He, C. A. Mader, J. R. R. A. Martins, K. J. Maki. Aerothermal optimization of a ribbed U bend cooling channel using the adjoint method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 140, 2019. [doi][preprint]
P. He, G. P. Filip, K. J. Maki, J. R. R. A. Martins. Design optimization for self-propulsion of a bulk carrier hull using a discrete adjoint method. Computers & Fluids, 192(15), 2019. [doi][preprint]
P. He, C. A. Mader, J. R. R. A. Martins, K. J. Maki. An object-oriented framework for rapid discrete adjoint development using OpenFOAM. In: AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA-2019-1210, 2019. [doi][preprint]
P. He, C. A. Mader, J. R. R. A. Martins, K. J. Maki. An aerodynamic design optimization framework using a discrete adjoint approach with OpenFOAM. Computers & Fluids, 168, 2018. [doi][preprint]
P. He, C. A. Mader, J. R. R. A. Martins, K. J. Maki. Aerothermal optimization of internal cooling passages using the adjoint method, In: 2018 Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, AIAA Aviation Forum, AIAA-2018-4080, 2018. [doi][preprint]
P. He, G. Filip, J. R. R. A. Martins, K. J. Maki. Hull form hydrodynamic design using a discrete adjoint optimization method, In: 13th International Marine Design Conference, 2018. [preprint]
P. He, S. Basu. Extending a surface-layer Cn2 model for strongly stratified conditions utilizing a numerically-generated turbulence dataset. Optics Express, 24, 2016. [doi][preprint]
P. He. A high order finite difference solver for massively parallel simulations of stably stratified turbulent channel flows. Computers & Fluids, 127, 2016. [doi][preprint]
P. He, S. Basu. Development of similarity relationships for energy dissipation rate and temperature structure parameter in stably stratified flows: a direct numerical simulation approach. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 16, 2015. [doi]
P. He, S. Basu. Direct numerical simulation of intermittent turbulence under stably stratified conditions. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 22, 2015. [doi]
P. He, C. G. Nunalee, S. Basu, J. Minet, M. A. Vorontsov, S. T. Fiorino. Influence of heterogeneous refractivity on optical wave propagation in coastal environments. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 127, 2015. [doi]
C. G. Nunalee, P. He, S. Basu, J. Minet, M. A. Vorontsov. Mapping optical ray trajectories through island wake vortices. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 127, 2015. [doi]
S. Basu, P. He. Estimating refractive index structure parameter (Cn2) profiles in the atmosphere: a framework based on fractal interpolation. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans IV, 2015. [doi]
P. He, S. Basu. Mesoscale modeling of optical turbulence (Cn2) utilizing a novel physically-based parameterization. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans IV, 2015. [doi]
P. He, C. G. Nunalee, S. Basu, M. A. Vorontsov, S. T. Fiorino. Current status and challenges in opticalturbulence simulations in various layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans III, 92240F, 2014. [doi]
C. G. Nunalee, P. He, S. Basu, M. A. Vorontsov, S. T. Fiorino. Impact of large-scale atmospheric refractive structures on optical wave propagation. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans III, 92240W, 2014. [doi]
S. Basu, C. G. Nunalee, P. He, S. T. Fiorino. Reconstructing the prevailing meteorological and optical environment during the time of the Titanic disaster. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans III, 92240Y, 2014. [doi]
P. He, Z. G. Sun, H. L. Zhang, H. S. Chen, C. Q. Tan. Investigation of clearance flows in deeply scalloped radial turbines. Proc. IMechE., Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 226, 2012. [doi]
P. He, Z. G. Sun, H. S. Chen, C. Q. Tan. Investigation of backface cavity sealing flow in deeply scalloped radial turbines. Proc. IMechE., Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 226, 2012. [doi]