High-fidelity optical turbulence simulation for long-range laser communication
1. Peta-scale direct numerical simulation of stably stratified turbulent flow
- Massively parallel direct numerical solver that scales well up to 10 billion cells and 10,000 CPU cores
- Understanding the fundamental spatial-temporal characteristics of intermittent turbulence
- Open source code Hercules
2. Construction of novel optical turbulence models using numerically generated turbulence dataset
- Construction of a comprehensive turbulence dataset using numerous DNS simulations
- Proposing a novel gradient-based turbulence model based on the DNS dataset
- Incorporating the new turbulence model into a mesoscale model and the numerical prediction agrees well with experiments
- Opt. Express 2016 Paper [Doi][preprint]
- Environ. Fluid Mech. 2015 Paper [Doi]
3. Coupled mesoscale modeling and ray tracing framework for long-range wave propagation
- Efficient ray tracing method to predict the optical ray trajectory
- Incorporate the ray tracing code with mesoscale model to predict time-dependent long-range optical wave propagation
- Meterol. Atmos. Phys. 2015 Paper1 [Doi]
- Meterol. Atmos. Phys. 2015 Paper2 [Doi]